Factors Contributing to Hydraulic Hose Failure

Posted on: 15 June 2015

Good hydraulic hose assemblies are long-lasting but they are not designed to operate indefinitely. The components are vulnerable to normal wear and tear regardless of the fluid they are used to transmit. Eventually, you will have to replace the hydraulic hoses in your industrial, construction or agricultural machinery. However, it is important to understand that there are factors that can accelerate the rate of hose degradation and even cause failure.

These are usually linked to poor practices such as lack of maintenance and improper usage. Here are the main factors contributing to failure of hydraulic hose assemblies:

Poor Operating Pressure

Hydraulic hoses are designed to transmit fluid at specific pressures. If the operating pressure exceeds the maximum rating for the tube, the structural integrity of the hose will be compromised. This will cause failure of the hydraulic system and result in costly repairs. You should check the maximum pressure rating for your hoses before purchase and ensure that your machinery operates at a lower level in comparison.

Some hydraulic systems experience severe pressure surges which can cause damage to the hoses. If your machinery is experiencing these issues, consider installing spiral reinforced hoses to accommodate these fluctuations.

Temperature Factors

Hydraulic hoses have maximum temperature ratings which indicate the potential maximum temperature of the pertinent fluid. You should never use the hose to convey fluids with a temperature higher than the ratings. The poor practice will lead to degradation of rubber which will limit the usefulness of the product.

In addition, it is ill-advised to continuously use hydraulic hoses at the maximum rated temperature or even pressure. This will accelerate the wearing of the internal tube and consequently reduce the service life.

Ambient temperatures should also be assessed to ensure that the conditions are favorable for the hoses. Extremely high or low temperature will affect the reinforcement and cover layers of the hose. This will compromise the tube structure and reduce the lifespan of the product. If you are working in a hostile environment, consult your supplier or manufacturer for custom coping recommendations.

Chemical Factors

Industrial, agricultural and construction environments are constantly exposed to different types of chemicals. It is crucial to identify all the risks that can cause damage to the main hydraulic hose structure and even fittings. Most of the common hoses are designed for resistance to fuels, oils and cleaning solvents. However, it is important to limit exposure to corrosive agents such as alkaline and acidic products. You will find detailed charts on chemical resistance in the hose manufacturer's handbook.

To learn more, contact a company like Hydraulink with any questions you have.


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