Four Tips For Repairing Your Rural Fencing In The Australian Outback

Posted on: 12 January 2023

If you're an Australian farmer, you know how important fencing is. It's not just a way to keep your livestock in and predators out—it's also an essential part of your property's landscape. If you live in the outback, fence repair can be a challenge. Here are four tips for repairing your rural fencing in the Australian outback:

1. Repair Any Damage Immediately

If you notice even minor damage or wear and tear on your rural fencing, it's important to act quickly before further damage occurs. If there's an area where the barbed wire has worn away or fallen off, this could allow animals to escape their pens or make them more susceptible to predators such as dingoes or wild dogs if they're able to jump over the side of the fencing. Similarly, if there are any gaps between wires that allow small animals such as rabbits into the paddocks where they could eat crops or trample young plants, these should be fixed immediately so that they don't cause any further problems later on down the track.

2. Use Poles With Metal Bands Around Them In Your Rural Fencing In The Outback

If you're building a fence on a farm in the outback, it's important to remember that you need to have metal bands around the poles to prevent them from being chewed through by dingoes or wild dogs. This will not only make sure that your fencing is strong enough to withstand any kind of attack but also means that the animals won't be able to escape from their pens.

3. Use A High-Quality Fence Wire

The wire that you use in your rural fence should be made from high-quality steel, as this will make it harder for animals to chew through it or break it down with their teeth. The best type of wire for this purpose is galvanised steel wire, but make sure that it has been properly treated so that it doesn't rust when exposed to moisture in the air or rainwater over time.

4. Use Metal T-Posts Instead Of Wooden Ones

Wooden posts are not recommended for the Australian Outback because they rot easily and don't last as long as metal T-posts do. Metal T-posts are also much easier to install than wooden ones, so you won't have to worry about hiring professional help or spending a lot of time doing it yourself.

Rural fencing is mainly used to keep animals in and predators out. It can also be used as security for people who live in remote areas or as a way of marking property boundaries. Contact a professional for more information about rural fencing


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